These terms apply to your access to and use of Delivery Service on www.Teek it and our mobile app (the Platform). This service is provided by Teek it  or us (Teek it  Ltd company number 13274154). Teek it  Ltd’s registered address is 25 Leeming Road, Borehamwood, London, England, WD6 4EB.

By clicking “Accept” or by accepting a Delivery order on the Platform you confirm that:

  • You have authority to do so and to bind the person or company you are accepting for.
  • You accept our offer to provide the Delivery Service on these terms.
  • You agree to and will comply in full with these terms.
  • Your satisfactory completion of certain checks (including ID ) required by Teek it from time to time is a condition of this contract coming into effect.

This forms a contract between you and Teek it , which commences on the later of the date of your acceptance and the date on which you have completed Teek it ’s onboarding checks from time to time to Teek it ’s satisfaction. You should save a copy of these terms for your records.  We may make changes to these terms, so check back here from time to time. We’ll notify you of material changes before they happen. If you access or use the Delivery Service after being notified of a change, you’re deemed to have accepted that change.

You can procure other services (e.g. Marketplace+, or Pickup) from Teek it  by agreeing and entering into a separate contract with us. Each additional contract entered into by you and Teek it  shall form a separate agreement.

If you have questions about these terms or our Delivery Service please contact us through Store Hub, either by submitting a “Help” form or by using Live Chat. You may also find answers to your questions.

If we need to contact you, we’ll do so via the email address you have provided to us.

What is Delivery Service

Through its Delivery Service, Teek it  will provide you with a real-time ordering process that enables customers to place orders with you for delivery on the Platform in the UK (Delivery Orders) from the site/s that you have chosen and we that have agreed to provide Delivery Services to (the Sites). We may agree to amend the Sites from time to time. Teek it  will also provide Delivery Services and Customer Support Services for your Delivery Orders – see more on this below.

By signing up to Delivery Service, you authorise Teek it  to act as your Partner to solicit, promote and conclude contracts for Delivery Service orders in your name and on your behalf, and to collect customer payments owed to you in respect of those orders.

Customer payments made in respect of orders placed with you through the Delivery Service will be held by Teek it  on your behalf; payment to Teek it  settles the customer’s payment obligation to you for these orders.

Delivery Service Fees 

Your use of Delivery Service is subject to our applicable service fee from time to time. Our service fee is calculated as a percentage of GMV (inclusive of VAT) per order, plus VAT at the prevailing rate (Delivery Service Fee).

We will pay you an amount equal to the GMV for your Delivery Orders during the relevant payment period, less the Delivery Service Fee, less any relevant adjustments for refunds paid to customers during the relevant payment period.

You will receive payments from us in accordance with our payment terms applicable in the country you operate in from time to time.  We’ll make this payment by electronic bank transfer to the bank account you have nominated. You must cooperate with us so that we can comply with our VAT accounting obligations.

What we will do 

  • If you are new to Teek it , when you accept these terms we will onboard you onto our Platform (including, if applicable, providing the equipment to you – see below). You agree that we may subcontract part of the onboarding process.
  • We will, subject to our rights to suspend your use of Delivery Service under these terms, display your site/s and inventory items on the Platform as available for Delivery Orders.
  • We will facilitate and implement a real-time ordering process which will enable customers to place and pay for Delivery Orders on the Platform.
  • Provide support services for customers to deal with complaints or enquiries relating to Delivery Orders (Customer Support Service) through a professionally manned contact centre at no further cost to you.
  • Procure the delivery of Delivery Orders from you to the customer (Delivery Services) using delivery riders authorised by Teek it to carry out the Delivery Services (Riders).


To continue reading click on the link below to download the full version of the terms & conditions

TeekIt Terms & Conditions